Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Mr. Scott goes to Washington - Act Two, Scene Eight: To Bea or not to Bea

Hello again, kids. This was another busy week, which I'll now describe in detail.

On Tuesday morning I went to a meeting of the President’s Advisory Panel on Federal Tax Reform. The panel has already held 10 meetings, and will be presenting its final recommendations for possible changes to the American tax code to President Bush at the beginning of November. So, in their last few meetings (I attended another one this morning), they are discussing and analyzing various proposals for tax reform.

Wednesday morning I attended a symposium on American natural gas infrastructure encompassing the effects of hurricanes Katrina and Rita, the current status of the infrastructure, and future prospects for the industry at the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission. That afternoon I went to a panel discussion at the Center for Strategic and International Studies on the future of US-India civilian nuclear cooperation. It was a really interesting discussion, and one of my favourite policy events so far. I wrote a report on it, which got forwarded on to the Department of Foreign Affairs in Ottawa.

After work on Friday, the Embassy hosted a reception for the members of the Canadian Solar Decathlon team, who had been competing in the solar house-building competition on the National Mall over the previous couple of weeks. One of the solar guys was this creepy quasi-Latino with one skunk-stripe of grey hair. He took a bit of an interest in Claire, which I found particularly entertaining.

After the reception, a number of the interns from the embassy all went out for dinner in what is starting to become a bit of a weekly routine. I had a very long (and very interesting) conversation with my friend Kristian, an intern from Puerto Rico, about their situation regarding statehood, about Canada’s history and political climate, and about the demographic shifts currently going on in the United States. It was pretty cool. Also, I had the most amazing pizza of my life. It was a flatiron steak pizza with grilled onions and mushrooms... kind of like beef stroganoff on a pizza crust. Sublime.

Saturday I lounged around for a bit and went grocery shopping, and then attended an exciting intern party being thrown by Trish, one of my co-interns at the embassy. There were a bunch of my friends from work there, so that was lots of fun...


...after returning home I ended up debating politics with my roommates until about 5 in the morning - it was great. And Sunday, as usual, was pretty uneventful.

On Monday we had a couple of speakers, and then I had class. The first guy wasn't particularly interesting, but the second guy was not too bad. His topic, the media and freedom of the press, had a few items of interest... he went on a notable tangent about whatAmerica should have done to gain more friends abroad, including shipping tampons to Russian women after the fall of the Soviet Union. He had the greatest voice - like a slightly more manish Bea Arthur. I could close my eyes and practically hear her - "Freedom of speech must be given to the most beautiful women. Then the large women. Then the petite women. Then the large women again..." Or, for those of you who prefer the Golden Girls to Futurama, "Ma! What do you think Russian women wanted? Copies of the Declaration of Independence, or a box of Kotex?" (Bea Arthur emphasis added)

Alright, I'm exhausted and need to get to sleep. So, I'll update this again in a few days. I'm happy to report that I successfully guilted my family into coming to visit me, so my mother and brother will be coming down Thursday - Sunday. Understandably, I'm quite excited.

And again, I'll end with the empty promise to update more frequently.


And now for a few personal messages:

Uncle David/Mirela - I'm curious to know how your trip out West was. Maybe you guys should start a blog...

Lizzie - Email me with your email address! I'm sure you'd like a personal message and some photos...

Derek - If you don't post a comment on this Bea Arthur storyline, I'm going to smack you like that prissy Rue McClanahan!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Again with the food. I wonder if there is an All Bran bar pizza...just think how happy you would be.
I am proud of you for actually writing about about tampons and Kotex, normally you are quite shy about those kind of things.
We are all having dinner tonight to celebrate Elliot's birthday. I am anxious to hear from your mom about her visit with you. We miss you!

5:04 p.m.  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Bea Arthur is a saint, and possibly more attractive than one marina sirtis in the finale of enterprise (boy did she let herself go! TOO ITALIAN!!) And Bea's sexy voice would go along great with Uruha's african dance in the sand with her man calves.


10:04 p.m.  
Blogger Scoops said...

Derek - I think she's Greek (TOO GREEK!!). Not that that changes anything...

Also, I've gotta let you know that I actually guffawed quite heartily at your comment about Uhura's man-calves. That's the kind of freaky attention to detail I'd only expect from you.

2:10 p.m.  

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