Monday, October 10, 2005

Mr. Scott goes to Washington - Act Two, Scene Seven: Rainy Days and Holiday Mondays

Well, loyal readers, I've made a bit of a mistake. It's been so long since my last posting that I can't really remember everything that's happened since. So, as much as I know you love reading the minutiae of my day to day life, I guess I'll just be covering the highlights.

But never fear! I'll try to be as verbose as possible.

Friday night (that's September 30), Claire, Brendon and I went to the Washington Capitals' pre-season game against the Pittsburgh Penguins. None of their good players were on the ice, but it was a lot of fun - we picked out a few shoddy players to cheer on (Mine were Orpik and Hussey. Brendon picked Fata, though as I pointed out, he was sadly unable to drive the opposing team into the Sea), and supported them wildly.

After the Capitals game came (for us, at least) the main event - a hockey game between the Canadian Embassy and the FBI to raise money for Hurricane Katrina relief. It was great - we spent the game hurling random patriotic barbs at the FBI team, and switched over to French halfway through, because we felt we should. Although since our French was rudimentary at best, we ended up having a lot of "Allons-y, Canada," and more than a few "Zut, alors!" Also, there was this rather vocal black woman from the FBI sitting down the row from us, who told her own team they were playing like little girls, and then heckled me for heckling them. It was enjoyable. Anyway, we won (although not as dramatically as I expected), which is good because I don't think I would have heard the end of it from that woman if we'd lost.

Umm, I didn't do too much that weekend, I think... I ended up spending Saturday night at my friend Jake's apartment, just hanging out watching Comedy Central. It wasn't classy, but it was fun. And then Sunday I used as my standard day of napping, laziness, and getting my homework done for Monday.

On Monday we went to the Inter-American Development Bank for a little lesson on what they do, and how they do it. From there we had a couple of hours to kill before going to a ridiculous resume work shop. After that was over, Claire, Kristina, and I went out to Georgetown and sat in this gigantic Barnes and Noble, where we read for a couple of hours before our class. Class ended, thankfully, after only an hour and 15 minutes, so I actually got home in time to catch the tale end of Arrested Development, which was nice since I've been going through withdrawal. Then, like every other Monday, I watched the dramatic conclusion to the two-part Prison Break from the previous week. Aren't I doing a good job of skipping the minutiae?

The week was fairly uneventful, just more of the same old jazz. On Tuesday night I went out for dinner with some of the girls from the typing pool (being a couple of my co-interns) to this really great Indian restaurant called White Tiger up in Capitol Hill (the neighbourhood, not the Capitol building). All I could think about was Siegfried and Roy, and their quest to find a 'final solution' to rid the world of the 'unclean' Orange tigers [edit: Thanks, Warren! Post a bloody comment, damn you]. But, it was nice to get to know my coworkers a bit outside of the office, and we ended up having a really good time.

Now, in the interest of brevity we'll skip ahead to Friday (October 7) .

Claire's parents came into town this weekend for Thanksgiving because they're loving, caring people and didn't want her to be alone for the holiday (not that I'm accusing MY family of anything...). So they came by the embassy to see where Claire works, and then took us out for lunch at the national gallery's ridiculously opulent 'cafeteria.'

It poured rain Friday and Saturday, when I spent this weekend house- and cat-sitting for one of the trade development counsellors at the embassy. It was a pretty sweet deal: I got to trade my crappy apartment for a glamourous town house (seriously, you wouldn't believe the size of this place!), they left me their truck to drive (with diplomatic plates no less!), gave me some cash (nothin' wrong with that!), and granted me full refrigerator privileges (I have nothing else to put in parentheses!). I stayed there until Sunday afternoon when they came home. I returned to my apartment and had a nap.

Sunday night, being last night, I went out for dinner with Claire and her parents. We met up at the Foggy Bottom metro stop near their hotel then we walked out to Georgetown, where we ate at this really swanky place called Sequoia. It was located right down on the waterfront, and had an absolutely amazing view of the Kennedy Center and the Watergate Hotel. It was very nice to get a chance to spend some time talking with the Marchants this weekend, and Mrs. Marchant astonished me with her knowledge of my family - based purely on their comments from this blog.

As far as today, I slept in quite late (read 1pm) and then finished up and submitted my homework that was due. Currently, I'm working on my blog and helping my good friend Tyler with his stats assignment. It's amazing how much of that probability crap one can retain.

I think I'm going to take a quick jaunt to the grocery store (which will hopefully be open) to pick up a few provisions for the week, and possibly buy a rotisserie chicken or a turkey sandwich or something for my thanksgiving feast. I'm also debating the merits of buying a pumpkin pie, should the store happen to stock them. I know it can't compare to one of my Grandma's pies, but I guess it'll have to do.


Now, before I conclude, I want to take the time to register my disquiet with my dear friend Fraser's newfound sense of Scottish nationalism. What's next Fras, a Canadian republic? Bah!

God save the Queen.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

'ey dere Scott! I know wat you mean 'bout dat dere 'ockey game! Carrolyn Parrish tol' me dat de H'F.B.I ware surveillancing our boys wit dat h'electronic eavesdropping h'equipment, an' dat's da h'only reason da game she was even close. I am verry 'appy to 'ear dat you were speaking French at dose H'american players. Dat shows dat our policy of h'official bilingualisme is a big success! We wan' da whole of Canada to be h'rudimentary in at least one official language!!

Keep h'opp da good work!

2:04 a.m.  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You poor pathetic creature - I can only imagine what a horrible child you must have been to end up alone on Thanksgiving. Love, Mom

6:07 p.m.  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have many important, dying to get out, comments:
1) I love you mom, you sooooo asked for that one

2) Whoever wrote that 1st comment is GENIUS! It's the best written Newfy accent I've even seen! I actually heard my grandfather while I was reading it! And if it's not supposed to be a Newfy accent, well, that's what it was.

3) So sheppard's pie gets the shaft's soooo good enough for Thanksgiving (especially if it's not discount)

4) I need a procrastination partner

5) I hope you know you have now associated your pride in your workplace with the French...what has happened to you?

6) I feel as though I had an excellent comment, but now I can't remember what it was...damn, it was so good

7) I really want to go to the Penny, I'm not a fan of this "Washington" thing

Keep on truckin'
Tasha....we miss u here in hell

7:45 p.m.  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I no longer want to be anonymous, as I am not....

well, I tried to open an account, and it doesn't seem to want to let me....darn, I'd like to be known..!

7:51 p.m.  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Scoops, well I've been away for more than a week, and I come back to find one lousy entry from you and not a single word about the senate hearings on tax and other economic data you are allegedly there to report on! Has your enthusiasm for monetary policy worn off already? We need to know more of official Washington goings-on since Martin Sheen has been shunted to the sidelines in The West Wing of late. Where was the real minutiae?
Sorry if you missed out on turkey and stuffings but you will get to have it with your fellow Pilgrims next month when the rest of us are shovelling snow!
And apparently, you have now shamed your family into visiting so you'd better have some punkin pie on hand next weekend. Sorry we won't be there to enjoy it with you.
Write more!

4:58 p.m.  

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